Preparations and Instructions for Yoga
Preparation for yoga session
Please do not eat for at least 2 hours before the class.
Please do make sure that you are well hydrated.
Wear loose comfortable clothing.
Put your phone in silent mode so that you can experience the class without distractions.
Have a 5-8 min brisk walk before the session.

Instructions for the Session:
Please login to Google Meet and join the session 05 minutes before the start time. Mute your mic before joining.
If you have any health issues, kindly inform me in advance.
Position your yoga mat horizontally in front of your device so that the teacher can see you practicing.
Turn on your camera and keep your device approximately 4 to 5 feet away from your yoga mat. You will have a much better view of the class on a laptop/tablet.
As yoga is all about correct postures and right breathing. So, it is mandatory to keep your video ON.
In case you are not able to attend the session, kindly inform in advance.
if you have any queries, feel free to ask after the meditation session at the end.
Use a Bluetooth speaker for audio clarity.